Still life photography
What we call “mood shoot” or “still life photography” are the opposite of photos on a white background. In mood shoots, we do not try to coldly present a product surgically. Quite the contrary. In this area of commercial photography, the professional photographer will need to have a much more artistic approach. Make way for the staging! We try to recreate an emotion, whether it’s an idea of comfort, well-being, joy, whatever. All that matters is to create the illusion and the way to get there is usually based on teamwork.
The trigger will be from the idea of the designer. He knows the needs of his client, what the latter must market. Once the concept is approved, it is up to the commercial photographer to bring it to life. He will have to deploy all his know-how and start by building an effective team, able to deliver a photo far exceeding all the expectations of the client. Assistant, stylist, prop maker, all will put their hands to the dough, and this according to their mutual expertise.
Once the shooting is complete, the photographer’s work is far from finished. Make way for publishing. The image can be relatively simple to edit if we stick mainly to the adjustments of colors, contrasts and brightness. On the other hand, the task can be colossal! It can involve the mix of several other photos that will have to be melted into each other without anything appearing in the end.
In conclusion, being a commercial photographer is a demanding task, but so exciting. Knowing how to build an atmosphere in a photograph that will allow the viewer to situate himself in a moment, a memory, a state that will arouse in him an emotional reaction is a very complicated challenge to achieve. A good photographer will know how to go about building an image that allows access to these types of emotions. As I always say: “it’s the most beautiful job in the world”.