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Industrial photographs

Industrial Photography

Industrial photography could be divided into two approaches. A much more simplistic reportage type, where we try to grasp the manufacturing stages of an industry while taking care not to harm the production line. If that’s what you want, I’m not the ideal industrial photographer for you.

The other approach, my approach, is of course to show through a photo, a production step but with staging. It is squarely a question of developing a visual scenario where the step-in question will be clearly explained but prioritizing the aesthetic aspect of the scene. As part of this approach, the list of industrial photographers is greatly reduced.

To do this, the task is still difficult. At the rendezvous will be present noise, dust, tropical heat or polar cold. Despite all these annoying factors, the industrial photographer will have to find the right angle for shooting. Select the lens that will provide the desired depth. As a good professional of commercial photography, he will have to rely on the necessary equipment to illuminate the scene. In addition to multiple generators, he will also have to make sure to have with him an impressive number of electrical extensions. His expertise in artificial lighting will be of great use. He will also have to know how to dose the brightness of the flashes to the ambient light of the factory. As shooting is done directly on a laptop, he will be able to effectively evaluate the lighting, the angle of view, the depth of field as well as the focus.

It is very common for a client to seek to humanize a factory photograph by the presence of employees at work. From that moment on, the industrial photographer faced a major challenge. He will deal with someone who has never done that before. Still in a noisy world, where the model struggles to understand his instructions. He must direct him, indicate to him the position to take, enlighten him. All in all, to create an intimate image that will position the company as a leader in its field.

Despite the extreme conditions, the long working hours, photography in industry will always remain for me one of the sectors of commercial photography that I prefer. I cut my teeth there as an assistant. I was able to travel to many countries. I had access to very restricted environments. I witnessed the manufacture of vaccines, medicines, microchips, musical instruments, cars, papers, … The list is long, and the pleasure is always renewed!